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Galician Network of Business Accelerators



The Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) is a regional public agency, attached to the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Industry but with its own legal personality, which aims to promote and structure innovation policies in Galician public administrations, and support and promoting the growth and competitiveness of Galician companies, through the implementation of efficient innovation strategies and programs.


The objective

Define a distinctive that groups all the beneficiary companies of the Agency's programs, strengthening the symbiosis between both entities in a unique and standardized way that, however, maintains complete integration with the visual communication of GAIN and the Xunta de Galicia


The process

After studying and understanding the client's need to design a memorable and unifying badge, we start from the search for a creative concept that connects all the values of the brands and the attributes of the programs that will be contained in the badge.
A framework of symbols and analogies is established that reinforce the symbolic character of the key elements of the project, resulting in a versatile and timeless distinctive that defines the project.

Xunta of Galicia/ Identity Design.


Creative conceptualization based on the mission, vision and values of the Agency. It is chosen to create a grid that symbolizes the concept of "Network" and its demographic origin is reinforced by imitating the map of Galicia and its provinces.

With the objective of integration as an initial element, it is advocated to analyze the brands "GAIN" and "XUNTA DE GALICIA" looking for common elements between both so that they can be exported to the design of the badge.

From this study, the concept of reticular network is extracted, connecting interconnected nodes that represent the concept of Network. As a reinforcement of the demographic character of the distinctive, a plot is articulated that draws the silhouette of the map of Galicia, uniting its four provinces and establishing a basis for the arrangement of the elements that make it up.

The final objective of the badge seeks to establish a network of companies benefiting from GAIN programs, which is why, ultimately, it could be conceptualized as a certain number of independent companies that are linked within the network. With this idea, it is advocated to create a distinctive where the letters of the name are presented as individual and isolated elements and it is the framework of the network that converts these letters into words. To reinforce this concept, it is decided to "break" the words, making them continue in the following lines.

Finally, and to unite the concept of "Acceleration" and provide the letters with the visual rhythm necessary for them to be read as words, horizontal lines are established that connect the words to each other.
These lines take as a reference the particle collision process that occurs in the particle acceleration process.

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